Hyaluronic acid for dark circles

Naturally produced by the body, hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic macromolecule that helps maintain the skin. This component tends to decrease with age, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and hollow areas in the skin. Hyaluronic acid is commonly used in aesthetic medicine to treat various imperfections, including dark circles.

Hyaluronic Acid for Dark Circles in Antibes | Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Dark Circles Price | Aesthetic Medicine | Dr. Aimé

Causes of Dark Circles

Dark circles are natural grooves under the eyes. When visible, they give a hollowed appearance to the gaze. Several factors can cause dark circles, the first being skin laxity. As the skin ages, it loses collagen and elastin, resulting in a loss of skin volume: the skin becomes less hydrated and conforms to the contours of the eye socket.

Other factors include fatigue and lifestyle habits. Additionally, genetics can play a significant role in the development of dark circles.

Depending on the causes, there are two main types of dark circles :

  • Dark Circles : These can be caused by circulatory or pigmentary issues. The skin in this area is naturally thin, and in some people, blood vessels become more visible through the surface. Sometimes, they are due to dark pigmentation of the skin, which is often hereditary or ethnic.
  • Hollow Circles : These can be hereditary or appear with age. The thinning of the skin exposes the orbital bone, causing dark circles to become more noticeable.

When to Consider Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Dark Circles ?

Hyaluronic acid injections are an effective solution to eliminate dark circles. This aesthetic medicine technique involves injecting hyaluronic acid into the dark circles to hydrate the skin and fill the hollow areas. The skin regains volume, and the dark circles are gradually reduced. This treatment is effective for hollow circles but will not have an impact on dark pigmentation.

The ideal time for hyaluronic acid injections depends on the severity of the dark circles and patient preference. Some may seek treatment to correct visible dark circles, while others opt for it as a preventive measure. Dark circles are often hereditary, so younger patients may wish to prevent their development.

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified professional to determine the best approach and product for addressing dark circles. Not all types of hyaluronic acid integrate well in this delicate area. Choosing a high-quality, minimally hydrophilic hyaluronic acid is essential. The practitioner’s expertise is key to successful treatment.

Dr. Aimé, with over 19 years of experience in hyaluronic acid injections, welcomes you to her clinic to assess the area to be treated and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment.

Precautions Before Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Dark Circles

Certain precautions must be taken before undergoing hyaluronic acid injections. Personalized medical follow-up is necessary to meet each patient’s needs. During the initial consultation, Dr. Aimé will check for anya contraindications, such as :

  • Allergy to hyaluronic acid
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Autoimmune diseases

All precautions must be taken to ensure patient safety, particularly in treating dark circles, as not all hyaluronic acids integrate well in this highly sensitive facial area. Dr. Aimé applies her expertise to determine the most effective and safest approach.

It’s also important to note that anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant medications should be avoided for at least three days before the injection session.

How Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Dark Circles are Performed by Dr. Aimé ?

The injection session takes place in Dr. Aimé’s clinic. The patient is comfortably seated, and the injection area is cleansed and disinfected before hyaluronic acid is administered in precisely measured quantities. The procedure only takes a few minutes, is painless, and the injected product typically contains a local anesthetic.

The injection technique and amount of hyaluronic acid used are tailored to each patient based on the characteristics of their dark circles.

Expected Results After Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Dark Circles

The effects of the injection are immediately visible. However, it takes about two to three weeks for the final results to become fully apparent. Although Dr. Aimé uses a gentle and meticulous injection technique, redness, swelling, or bruising may occur after treatment. Results vary depending on each patient’s anatomy, but significant improvement is typically seen: dark circles fade, the gaze lightens, and your features appear more refreshed.

Cost of Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Dark Circles with Dr. Aimé

The cost of a hyaluronic acid injection session for dark circles is generally around €330 (VAT included). The total cost of treatment depends on the number of sessions and the product used, but one syringe is usually sufficient for this area.

A personalized quote detailing the cost of each procedure will be provided, so you can make an informed decision.