Plexr technology: The gold standard for eyelid treatment

Plexr represents a major advancement in non-invasive aesthetic medicine. This revolutionary technology creates tiny points of heat on the skin’s surface to activate the skin’s regeneration process. With remarkable results and minimal recovery time, this method is now widely recognized as the go-to treatment for eyelid rejuvenation, as well as for addressing various skin imperfections such as wrinkles, scars, and pigmentation spots.

Plexr in Antibes | Anti-Aging Medicine, Plexr Pricing | Aesthetic Medicine | Dr. Virginie Aimé

How the Plexr Treatment Works ?

Originating from Italy, Plexr tightens and removes excess skin from the upper eyelids while also smoothing wrinkles and treating certain dermatological conditions safely and effectively.

Plexr (Plasma Exeresis) resembles a pen with a metallic tip. When this tip is brought close to the skin’s surface (a few millimeters away), it creates tiny heat points through a plasma phenomenon. This energy, rich in electrons, vaporizes the superficial skin layer and is generated only when the handpiece is about 1 mm from the skin.

The result is immediate skin retraction, tightening the tissues without any bleeding, with only a small scab forming at each impact point. There is no penetration into deeper or adjacent tissues; the impact is strictly on the superficial tissue at the point of contact.

Indications for Plexr: Eyelids, Wrinkles, Brown Spots, Scars

The primary indication for Plexr is treating the eyelids :

  • Drooping upper eyelids
  • Fine lines on the upper and lower eyelids
  • Crow’s feet wrinkles (side of the eyes)

Plexr can also treat wrinkles, spots, and scars :

  • Upper lip wrinkles, preauricular wrinkles (in front of the ear)
  • Acne and chickenpox scars
  • Superficial brown spots: solar lentigines, freckles, age spots (melasma is not included)
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Acne
  • Xanthelasma
  • Tightening of the peri-umbilical area

Dr. Aimé is equipped with the latest generation Plexr device, featuring three handpieces to precisely target different lesions.

Plexr Treatment Session: Process and Aftercare

During your first consultation, Dr. Aimé will assess whether Plexr is the right treatment for you. The procedure will be explained in detail, and a personalized quote will be provided.

A numbing cream will be applied approximately 30 minutes before the session. During the painless session, Dr. Aimé will move the handpiece over the treatment area.

The ionization process will create tiny dark points that will form small scabs, which will fall off in about 6 to 8 days. It is crucial to protect these scabs as they help shield the treated skin. During this period, makeup is allowed.
It is essential to protect the treated area from the sun for about a month.

Possible Side Effects of Plexr Treatment
The possible side effects of Plexr are localized :

  • Swelling in the treated area, lasting about 48 hours, which can be reduced with cold compresses
  • After the scabs fall off, the treated area may appear red for about 3 to 4 weeks
  • Pigmentary disturbances such as hyperpigmentation may occur in patients with darker skin or if sun protection guidelines are not followed.

Plexr Treatment Pricing

  • Treatment of both upper eyelids: €380 (inc. tax)
  • Treatment for brown spots and scars: starting from €150 (inc. tax)